quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010
Novembeer 2 - Finados
Brazilian Elections
October 3 was Brazilian elections for president, governors, federal senators, and state and federal representatives. Brazil has many political parties. Many people work for the campaign passing out little cards witht the picture of the candidate with their number. They also stand along the streets waving flags of their candidate. Each candidate has a number. The television gives and hour of free propaganda for the candidates at noon and again in the evening every day. Some candidates only receive 30 seconds, but the presidential candidates get 10 miniutes each.
On election day, a person votes on an electronic machine by pressing the buttons of the number of their candidate. By computer the votes are tallied instantly. If a candidate for presidente and governor doesn't win over 5o per cent of the vote a second election is held for the the top two candidates. The run off election for president and some governors was October 31 and the first women president in Brasil was elected, Dilma Jouseff.
Adolescent Retreat
Life, what is Yours?" was the theme for our annual adolescent retreat in October. It was based on James 4:14: "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." There was a group of 30 well behaved kids. Eight of the kids were from Campo Verde and three of those accepted Christ as their personal Savior. It was neat to see the teens leading the praise time and even two of the workers children sang a special number. Everybody enjoyed the messages, games, competition, and Bible memory. some kids memorized 20 verses.
Women's Retreat
Although we had a very small group for our annual women's retreat this September, everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship and relaxation as well the spiritual times of singing and devotions. The speaker did a good job speaking on our theme of commitment. I was pleased that Rejane, a new lady that started coming to church, came with me to the retreat and loved it.
Couple's Encounter in September
Surprise Birthday Party for Wanderson
Baby Shower
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